Art Print

Art Print is an art history and appreciation program, with standardized lessons led by parent volunteers in classrooms. Curriculum and materials are provided. A great way to expose our students to famous works, and fun for parents looking to volunteer in the classroom!

Enrichment Zone

Enrichment Zone (E-Zone) offers after-school electives in science, art, math, P.E., technology, culture, and more in three 6-week sessions throughout the school year.

Session dates, class schedules, registration details, etc. will be communicated before each session.

Friends of the Library

Friends of the Library brings fresh, interesting books to the Ivy library while teaching the importance of supporting libraries. Books purchased through Friends of the Library are quality books that are designed to hold up to elementary school usage.

School Garden

The school garden is a place for our community gardeners to show off their petals and stems! Located behind the school at the bus drop off area, the garden is a place to bring seasonal color and horticultural diversity to the school. A call for volunteers goes out when help is needed!

New Family Welcome

Welcome to the Ivy Elementary community! Our New Family Welcome Committee offers events for new families of each year. We are happy to answer your questions all year round - just contact us at and we’ll get you connected with a committee member.

Staff Appreciation

Staff Appreciation Committee provides meals, snacks, and appreciation events for Ivy Elementary faculty and staff on special occasions, select teacher workdays and stock the lounge days. Volunteers are needed to organize, deliver, and decorate for various events!